When was Skymark established?
Please click here to see the Corporate Profile page.
Which Stock exchange is Skymark listed on?
Skymark is listed on Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 14th December, 2022.
What is the Skymark’s securities code?
When does Skymark announce its financial results?
Skymark announces its results at May. Also, the end of fiscal year is March 31. Please click IR Events Calendar for quarterly results and further details.
When is the date for shareholder determination for the payment of dividends?
31, March. If we will pay interim dividend, the determination date is 30, September.
Do you have a shareholder special benefit plan?
We do not currently offer a shareholder special benefit plan.
What is the minimum number of shares allowed per trade?
Where can I find information of the previous financial results?
Please click Financial Highlights or IR Library page.
When is Annual Shareholders' Meeting held?
It is held in June. Please click IR Events Calendar for the next scheduled meeting.
How can I exercise my voting rights at Annual Shareholders' Meeting?
We are sending notices and Voting Rights Exercise Form that are listed on shareholder list at 31, March (For Annual Shareholders' Meeting). The way to exercise your voting rights is following.
1.Attend Annual Shareholders' Meeting after bringing up the Voting Rights Exercise Form
2.Indicate your approval or disapproval on the Voting Rights Exercise Form and return.
Is there a limit to the number of characters when making a shareholder proposal at the annual shareholders' meeting?
In accordance with our stock handling regulations, we have set a limit of 400 characters for each proposal and 400 characters for each candidate for matters to be stated in the reference document of the annual shareholders' meeting when the proposal is related to the appointment of executives.